Saturday 6 October 2012

Jesus a student of Buddhism in Kasmir India?

Praveen Alapra MScIT

Not only do I have my Deist side but I also have a Buddhist side to spirituality.  So to hear that Jesus may have been trained by Buddhist monks makes me all giddy inside.
Have any of you ever heard of this idea… that the missing years of Jesus are attributed to him having gone to India and while there, becoming a student of Buddhism.  It’s an interesting notion.
As this clip from a BBC documentary on the subject says, Jesus espoused ideas that were unheard of in Judaism of his time, yet those ideas had been taught by the Buddha 500 years earlier.
I’ve seen Christian websites saying reincarnation is not biblical.   Not being a scholar on 1st century Jewish thought I don’t know if reincarnation was something even conceived during that time but there are passages that hint that the idea was valid.
Along with that there are apparently other ideas from Buddhism that Jesus was trying to incorporate into his reform of Judaism that hadn’t been a part of it that managed to stick in Christianity.  Take a peek at the video below and see what you think.

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